The main goal of the Pontenossa’s environmental quality policy is the continuous improvement of its activity through implementation of all the improving actions in every step of its process.

The IPPC ( Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) directive regulates the authorization of all the activities of the Pontenossa S.p.A.. This authorization is based on the “Environmental Impact Assessment” (EIA) of the environmental minister developed either on the production process and on the suitable allocation for the slag landfill.

In the authorization the Waelz process in all its production aspects defining qualitatively and quantitatively the prescriptions regarding:

> Raw materials
> Slag to landfill
> Emission in atmosphere
> Water emissions
> Sound emissions
> Immissions in soil

An internal plan permits the monitoring and the control of all these parameters thanks to the analysis laboratory. All the data are transmitted to the control authority (ARPA) that periodically controls on-site the fulfillments and approves every operational modification.

The company completely fulfills the Quality Management System ISO EN 9000. Pontenossa S.p.A. continuously defines and improves the procedures, processes and instructions performed in its plant.
The safety management is further defined in fulfillment to the ministerial decree of the 9th August 2000, regarding activities with risk of relevant accidents. Furthermore the company has started the implementation of the Environmental Management System ISO EN 14001.