Materials monitoring and analysis

With the purpose of a continuous control the inner laboratory daily monitors and analyzes all the materials used in the production process.

> Ingoing material
Daily sampling of all the trucks of ingoing dust and average monthly analysis for every supplier
Daily sampling of coal and lime and average monthly analysis

> Kiln charge
Sampling and analysis of the dust for every shift

> Waelz oxide
Daily oxide sampling and analysis

> Slag
Sampling and analysis for every shift
Daily sampling and analysis for the eligibility in landfill

Radioactivity controls

At the access of Pontenossa S.p.A. plant has been positioned a portal for the radioactivity measurement; it quantifies real-time the radioactivity values of all ingoing dust trucks. The company isn’t bound over this control because it is already done by steel plants, but its represent a form of control and protection for the workers and the territory.

Landfill requalification and adequation

The Waelz process involves the production of a slag. In 1999 a new project has been approved and authorized by Lombardia district. This project has been previously subjected to the “Environmental Impact Assessment” (EIA) from the environment minister. The project authorization has led to the realization of a landfill near the plant. The area allocated for the landfill was previously used to collocate the production activities residues.
Since then the slag is disposed in the landfill following the overall plan, respecting the geomorphological contest with the duty of a full final re-naturalization.
From landscape point of view the most qualifying item is the renewal of the Rogno torrent superficial bed, with the aim of give back to the valley its characteristic morphological aspect.
The new structure enables the constant and instrumental monitoring of the site stability and hydrogeological aspect; assuring, after the disposal, the collecting and the treatment of the landfill leachate.